(this is a picture of my hive)
A honey bee flies about 12-15 mph
To make one pound of honey bees must tap 2 million flowers.
One single bee usually visits between 50-1000 flowers a day
The average worker honey bee makes 1/12 teaspoon of honey in her lifetime
A bee can fly about 8 ½ miles in a one-way trip.
There are 30-60,000 bees in an average hive.
To bring you one pound of honey, a hive of bees must fly 55,000 miles.
The life span of a queen is about 2-8 years.
Queens will lay approximately 1500 eggs per day at the rate of 5 or 6 a minute.
The average life span of a worker bee in summer is 7-8 weeks (from egg to adult)
1 comment:
Hi Orren!
Does this mean you're back from camp? Or posting from there. . .
Either way, I continue to learn new things every time I clickon your blog. Always enchanting and informative, so thanks for that.
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